Saturday 26 May 2012

The Central Alaskan Yup'ik People

A Nunivak Cup'ig man with raven maskette, Nunival Island, 1929.

The Yup'ik are a tribe of eskimoes. All over Alaska there are many tribes smiliar to this very one, but there are four of the same Yup'ik tribes. These tribes consist of living like eskimoes, so wearing furry clothes, living in igloos and speaking their own languages. You might have seen eskimoes in movies and in cartoons, but in real life they have their own language. There are many interesting things about the eskimoes as how do they survive in the cold polar lands? Just watching movies and cartoons should give you an idea, as you see them wearing massive furry coats all the time! I'm sure theres no way I could survive in the harsh cold polar region. There are many different names for the early tribes as they were split up, some went north, south, west or east. So the four tribes they have now used to be aproximatley 12 different groups. The origin of this tribe is quite normal, if not simple, as the tribe formed off of the eskimoes, as thats who their ancestors are.
                                                                                                            Their diets consist of fish, as they seem to fish alot. Like normal eskimoes they live in Igloos, they are always wearing warm clothes as it is too cold to wear a "tank top". As Eskimoes usually live on ice, the tribes are most likely to be living on ice as well, so that means they live near water, but one of the main rules is don't jump in the water!
                                                                                                                      The animals around don't really seem to be a threat towards the eskimoes, as the penguins are quite harmless unless you try to attack them, the eskimoes are always avoiding the polar bears as they are the biggest threat, they could kill you instantly.

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